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Equine Dentistry Forceps

Premium range of Equine Dental forceps to carry out a variety of Equine Dental extraction procedures. Perfectly suited to perform a diverse amount of work, from Fragment Removal to Molar Extraction and even Molar Spreading. Constructed from high-quality stainless steel and designed to be precise yet durable, these forceps are by far one of the best on the market.

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Premium Equine Dental Mouth Fulcrum: Essential Tool for Veterinary Dental Procedures

  • Standard dental fulcrum with two heads.
  • For use with molar extraction equipment.
  • Manufactured from stainless steel rod and brass fitted ends to ensure accurate weight and appropriate elevation during horse?s tooth extraction
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cad Canada
us United States
dz Algeria
ar Argentina
au Australia
at Austria
az Azerbaijan
bh Bahrain
be Belgium
br Brazil
cad Canada
bq Caribbean Netherlands
cn China
hr Croatia
cz Czechia
dk Denmark
do Dominican Republic
fi Finland
fr France
de Germany
gr Greece
gg Guernsey
hk Hong Kong SAR
hu Hungary
is Iceland
id Indonesia
iq Iraq
ie Ireland
it Italy
jo Jordan
kw Kuwait
kg Kyrgyzstan
lv Latvia
my Malaysia
mx Mexico
ma Morocco
nl Netherlands
nz New Zealand
no Norway
pk Pakistan
ph Philippines
pl Poland
pt Portugal
qa Qatar
sa Saudi Arabia
sg Singapore
sk Slovakia
kr South Korea
es Spain
se Sweden
ch Switzerland
tj Tajikistan
tn Tunisia
tr Turkey
ae United Arab Emirates
gb United Kingdom
vn Vietnam
us English
de German
fr French
nl Dutch
cn Chinese (Simplified)
sa Arabic
kr Korean
br Portuguese (Brazil)
ru Russian
es Spanish
tr Turkish
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