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Showing 442 - 446 of 446 result

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Webster Needle Holder
- Webster Needle Holder, a specialized surgical instrument crafted for precision needle control during medical procedures.
- Unique design with fine tips and a ratcheted locking mechanism for secure needle handling.
- Stainless steel construction ensures durability, longevity, and easy sterilization.
- Ideal for various surgical applications, offering versatility in needlework and suturing.
- Provides surgeons with a secure grip and controlled precision, enhancing procedural efficiency.
- Available in different sizes to accommodate diverse surgical needs and preferences.
- Essential tool for surgeons seeking reliability and efficiency in needle handling.
- Trusted for its durability, effectiveness, and precision in various surgical settings.
- Elevate your surgical toolkit with Webster Needle Holder for meticulous and efficient needle manipulation during medical procedures.
Weitlaner Retractor for Surgical Procedures
- Weitlaner Retractor, a specialized surgical instrument designed for controlled tissue retraction during procedures.
- Crafted with a self-retaining mechanism, allowing surgeons to maintain optimal exposure without assistance.
- Stainless steel construction ensures durability, longevity, and easy sterilization.
- Ideal for various surgical applications, providing versatility in tissue retraction.
- Adjustable design with toothed blades allows customization for different patient anatomies and surgical needs.
- Provides surgeons with optimal exposure and visualization, enhancing procedural accuracy.
- Essential for surgeons seeking a reliable and efficient self-retaining retraction tool.
- Trusted for its durability, effectiveness, and precision in various surgical settings.
- Elevate your surgical toolkit with the Weitlaner Retractor for meticulous and efficient tissue retraction during medical procedures.
West Sharp Retractor for Surgical Procedures
- West Sharp Retractor, a specialized surgical instrument designed for precision tissue and organ retraction during procedures.
- Crafted with sharp, pointed blades for controlled and focused retraction in surgical sites.
- Stainless steel construction ensures durability, longevity, and easy sterilization.
- Ideal for various surgical applications, providing versatility in tissue and organ exposure.
- Sharp-pointed blades allow for precise retraction in specific areas, enhancing procedural accuracy.
- Provides surgeons with optimal exposure and visualization in targeted regions.
- Essential for surgeons seeking a reliable and precise retraction tool for specific surgical sites.
- Trusted for its durability, effectiveness, and precision in various surgical settings.
- Elevate your surgical toolkit with the West Sharp Retractor for meticulous and efficient tissue and organ retraction during medical procedures.
Wolf Tooth Forceps 9.5": Essential Tool for Equine Dental Procedures

  • Stainless steel forceps for extraction of wolf tooth and incisor caps.
  • It comes with a non-slippery knurled handle.
  • The jaws of these forceps are grooved for secure gripping of teeth during the extraction procedures.
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